28 giugno 2011

Miglior proiettile per sniper? Piercing Laser Cutter

Sto provando a fare una Burst Sword, quindi a usare uno Sniper come fucile. Devo provare questo proiettile: Piercing Laser Cutter

M - Control: Short Duration
---\ M - Laser: Short Range Bullet - Same time as 1http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
---\ M - Laser: Short Range Bullet - .2 sec after 1
---\ M - Control: Short Duration - .5 sec after 1
--------\ M - Laser: Short Range Bullet - Same time as 4
--------\ M - Laser: Short Range Bullet - .2 sec after 4

OP Cost 30

Also the time on the shots can better so that the whole shot takes only .7 seconds instead of the original 1 second. Just change the second control to [.2 sec after 1], module 5 to [.2 sec after 4] and module 5 to [.5 sec after 4] I have found this is more effective against enemies that are constantly moving all over the place.


Un video del Piercing Laser Cutter in azione:

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