SKYLY: Sky is best at finding sword weapons. (mononess)
PINKAL: Pink is best for finding cane weapons and technique disks (monokess.)
VIRIDIA: Viridia is best at finding shotgun weapons (mononoke)
The section IDs that are recommended for each class is as follows:
1- HUmar: mononess
2- FOmar: monokess.
3- RAmarl: mononoke
Dispersioni mentali di un drogato di Phantasy Star Online e simili (AKA action games in cui trovare rare items, spade enormi e salire a livelli assurdi in Coop), che cerca di sopravvivere con il (poco) tempo per giocare, districandosi fra amici molto pazienti, un lavoro full time, troppe passioni da mettere da parte e poche ore per dormire. Aggiornato a voglia e senza un minimo senso logico o grammaticale, anche a causa della fretta con cui vengono postati i messaggi.
22 febbraio 2003
Infogrames Francese
"Online: 2 modes of play: Aventure/Quêtes (Of new downloadable searches every month with subscription of 6.99 per month, the 1st month is offered) or Missions with the guild of the hunters."
> Platform : Gamecube
> Editor : Sega
> Go back to exit : 14.03.2003
> Classification SNEM : All Public
7 euro al mese ?__? ... 14 Marzo? >:[
"Online: 2 modes of play: Aventure/Quêtes (Of new downloadable searches every month with subscription of 6.99 per month, the 1st month is offered) or Missions with the guild of the hunters."
> Platform : Gamecube
> Editor : Sega
> Go back to exit : 14.03.2003
> Classification SNEM : All Public
7 euro al mese ?__? ... 14 Marzo? >:[
Finalmente è uscito in versione Europea Shining Soul per GBA. Pratikamente è PSO portatile ^___^ Ci son anke le RARE.
Adesso devo riuscire a trovare kualkuno ke me lo skambia kon Zelda oppure lo kompro appena lo trovo a poko. Sarebbe stato bello se lo avessero kiamato davvero Phantasy Star Online: Pocket Offline o kualkosa del genere, e poi avessero fatto in modo di poterlo kollegare alla versione GameCube e skambiarne i dati, ke so, magari portando il proprio personaggio sulla versione portatile per poterlo far salire di livello anke fuori kasa ^___^ Poi dovrò anke trovare kualkun altro kon il gioko, kosi da poterlo giokare in MultiPlayer. E' una mini-droga portatile.
Adesso devo riuscire a trovare kualkuno ke me lo skambia kon Zelda oppure lo kompro appena lo trovo a poko. Sarebbe stato bello se lo avessero kiamato davvero Phantasy Star Online: Pocket Offline o kualkosa del genere, e poi avessero fatto in modo di poterlo kollegare alla versione GameCube e skambiarne i dati, ke so, magari portando il proprio personaggio sulla versione portatile per poterlo far salire di livello anke fuori kasa ^___^ Poi dovrò anke trovare kualkun altro kon il gioko, kosi da poterlo giokare in MultiPlayer. E' una mini-droga portatile.
21 febbraio 2003
Sul lato destro si legge kiaramente: "Comprende La Registrazione Di Una Licenza Di Hunter Valida Per 30 Giorni" Ora, a leggerla kosi mi fa pensare ke non sarà necessario avere una Carta di Credito per poter registrare il primo mese gratis e kuindi è anke probabile ke kuesta "registrazione" di kui si parla potrebbe essere una karta prepagata kon un kodice da inserire una volta online, il ke mi fa anke pensare ke in seguito si potranno komprare a parte altre di kueste "carte prepagate" senza kosi necessariamente dover avere una CC per poter giokare Online. Sarebbe un ottima idea da parte di SEGA/Infogrames, solo ke il fatto ke la cover sia skritta in italiano e ke solo il sito italiano di Infogrames da PSO in uscita il 13 Marzo, ho paura ke potrebbe anke essere ke la versione PAL italiana eska dopo le altre ;( E non vorrei ke magari per registrare il primo mese gratis, si debba per forza avere la versione PAL del proprio paese, kosi ke non possa andarmi a prendere un'altra versione PAL. Ghhsa. Ormai non manka tanto.
Sul lato destro si legge kiaramente: "Comprende La Registrazione Di Una Licenza Di Hunter Valida Per 30 Giorni" Ora, a leggerla kosi mi fa pensare ke non sarà necessario avere una Carta di Credito per poter registrare il primo mese gratis e kuindi è anke probabile ke kuesta "registrazione" di kui si parla potrebbe essere una karta prepagata kon un kodice da inserire una volta online, il ke mi fa anke pensare ke in seguito si potranno komprare a parte altre di kueste "carte prepagate" senza kosi necessariamente dover avere una CC per poter giokare Online. Sarebbe un ottima idea da parte di SEGA/Infogrames, solo ke il fatto ke la cover sia skritta in italiano e ke solo il sito italiano di Infogrames da PSO in uscita il 13 Marzo, ho paura ke potrebbe anke essere ke la versione PAL italiana eska dopo le altre ;( E non vorrei ke magari per registrare il primo mese gratis, si debba per forza avere la versione PAL del proprio paese, kosi ke non possa andarmi a prendere un'altra versione PAL. Ghhsa. Ormai non manka tanto.
Titolo: Phantasy Star Online
Produttore: Sega
Uscita: 07-03-2002 (PAL)
Prezzo: 64.00 €
Phantasy Star Online Episodio I & II
Produttore: Infogrames
Prezzo: €55,00
Preordine!Il prodotto verrà spedito il giorno 13/03/2003
Fanno già prenotare PSO PAL :@ Kuesti vogliono i miei soldi :°| GT WORLD, pero non va affatto bene, il 13 un kazzo >:| Metti la data giusta, anzi prima del 7 e avrai i miei soldini, dai dai :°|
Titolo: Phantasy Star Online
Produttore: Sega
Uscita: 07-03-2002 (PAL)
Prezzo: 64.00 €
Phantasy Star Online Episodio I & II
Produttore: Infogrames
Prezzo: €55,00
Preordine!Il prodotto verrà spedito il giorno 13/03/2003
Fanno già prenotare PSO PAL :@ Kuesti vogliono i miei soldi :°| GT WORLD, pero non va affatto bene, il 13 un kazzo >:| Metti la data giusta, anzi prima del 7 e avrai i miei soldini, dai dai :°|
20 febbraio 2003
"UK/EU Servers Are Up & Running:
NGC one of the best UK GC magazines have confirmed that the servers are ready for PAL PSO, as they have played the game on them. Sega invited them to try out the new game you can read more in issue #78 of NGC out this month. PSO will be online from day one of going to the shops."
NGC one of the best UK GC magazines have confirmed that the servers are ready for PAL PSO, as they have played the game on them. Sega invited them to try out the new game you can read more in issue #78 of NGC out this month. PSO will be online from day one of going to the shops."
"UK Gets ASCII Keyboard
Posted February 20, 2003 @ 6:52PM (GMT) by JOHNO 01
The ASCII keyboard will be released in the UK in May 2003. So far their is no mention of a full European release. Please note, that this hasn't been confirmed yet."
ahaha lo sapevooo :D
Se poi viene konfermato, potete anke ringraziarmi tutti kuanti ^_____^
Posted February 20, 2003 @ 6:52PM (GMT) by JOHNO 01
The ASCII keyboard will be released in the UK in May 2003. So far their is no mention of a full European release. Please note, that this hasn't been confirmed yet."
ahaha lo sapevooo :D
Se poi viene konfermato, potete anke ringraziarmi tutti kuanti ^_____^
"Our Member "Ford Prefect" had a telephone call with someone from Infogrames, and he told him that there will be an alternative pay method for the Hunters Licence! There will be "Playcards" like Ultima Online have! On these card are numbers to purchase the hunters licence."
Se fosse konfermato, sarebbe un ottima news per tutti kuelli ke non possono accedere ad una CC. Anke se bisogna vedere kome sarà sistemata l'HL in Europa, visto ke nelle altre versioni, anke per attivare il primo mese gratis, bisognava usare un numero di CC. Bho mi fa male il kollo kmq, forse signifika kualkosa.
"Our Member "Ford Prefect" had a telephone call with someone from Infogrames, and he told him that there will be an alternative pay method for the Hunters Licence! There will be "Playcards" like Ultima Online have! On these card are numbers to purchase the hunters licence."
Se fosse konfermato, sarebbe un ottima news per tutti kuelli ke non possono accedere ad una CC. Anke se bisogna vedere kome sarà sistemata l'HL in Europa, visto ke nelle altre versioni, anke per attivare il primo mese gratis, bisognava usare un numero di CC. Bho mi fa male il kollo kmq, forse signifika kualkosa.
19 febbraio 2003
19 - 02 - 2001 / 19 - 02 - 2003: 2 years on Ragol.. and still addicted.
Oggi, 19 febbraio 2003, son esattamente 2 anni dalla mia prima discesa sul suolo di Ragol. Per festeggiare, vado ad ordinare la tastiera per GameCube =)
Informazioni ordine:
Prodotto\i IVA Totale
1 x ASCII Keyboard Controller 0% 79,00EUR
1 x Memory Card 251 0% 24,90EUR
Sub-Totale: 103,90EUR
TNT: 10,00EUR
Totale: 113,90EUR
sono malato.. ma felice :D
(faccio notare kome sono kosciente dell'elevato prezzo della tastiera ascii, e probabilmente non l'avrei mai presa se non mi fossi messo a vendere vekki gioki e fumetti. Stanto ai miei kalkoli kon le vendite riesko a raccimolare intorno ai 120 euro, in pratika mi ripago il tutto e mi avanza anke kualkosa :) Vista la "rarità" del pezzo al momento e del fatto ke kuesto accessorio è uscito ufficialmente solo in JAP, ho preferito ordinarlo il prima possibile per non rimanere senza. Fin ora non si sa se uscirà un altra tastiera non ufficiale oppure se faranno degli adattatori per kuelle PC, ma solitamente, per le leggi del mondo, una volta speso kosi tanto per un oggetto ci sono buone probabilità ke il giorno dopo ne annuncino uno uguale ke kosta molto meno. Kuindi l'ho fatto anke per tutti voi, ke forse presto avrete un annuncio di una nuova tastiera ad un prezzo più normale ^____^° Ora aspetto solo la konferma di spedizione e l'arrivo. Mi meritavo kmq un regalo per kuesta rikorrenza speciale :D)
Oggi, 19 febbraio 2003, son esattamente 2 anni dalla mia prima discesa sul suolo di Ragol. Per festeggiare, vado ad ordinare la tastiera per GameCube =)
Informazioni ordine:
Prodotto\i IVA Totale
1 x ASCII Keyboard Controller 0% 79,00EUR
1 x Memory Card 251 0% 24,90EUR
Sub-Totale: 103,90EUR
TNT: 10,00EUR
Totale: 113,90EUR
sono malato.. ma felice :D
(faccio notare kome sono kosciente dell'elevato prezzo della tastiera ascii, e probabilmente non l'avrei mai presa se non mi fossi messo a vendere vekki gioki e fumetti. Stanto ai miei kalkoli kon le vendite riesko a raccimolare intorno ai 120 euro, in pratika mi ripago il tutto e mi avanza anke kualkosa :) Vista la "rarità" del pezzo al momento e del fatto ke kuesto accessorio è uscito ufficialmente solo in JAP, ho preferito ordinarlo il prima possibile per non rimanere senza. Fin ora non si sa se uscirà un altra tastiera non ufficiale oppure se faranno degli adattatori per kuelle PC, ma solitamente, per le leggi del mondo, una volta speso kosi tanto per un oggetto ci sono buone probabilità ke il giorno dopo ne annuncino uno uguale ke kosta molto meno. Kuindi l'ho fatto anke per tutti voi, ke forse presto avrete un annuncio di una nuova tastiera ad un prezzo più normale ^____^° Ora aspetto solo la konferma di spedizione e l'arrivo. Mi meritavo kmq un regalo per kuesta rikorrenza speciale :D)
18 febbraio 2003
"I have heard rumors that being the person who creates the game is the safest bet of not getting corrupted, and my brother thinks that whoever joins last has the highest corruption rate. (He joined last) I was wondering if anyone knew any extra info on this, because I asked many online friends and they thought joining last also had the highest corruption rates.
Don't be the fourth person to join a team.
Don't try and enter lobbies that have 95+ people in them.
Those are the largest factors of FSOD so avoid that and you will take away a lot of risk."
"I have heard rumors that being the person who creates the game is the safest bet of not getting corrupted, and my brother thinks that whoever joins last has the highest corruption rate. (He joined last) I was wondering if anyone knew any extra info on this, because I asked many online friends and they thought joining last also had the highest corruption rates.
Don't be the fourth person to join a team.
Don't try and enter lobbies that have 95+ people in them.
Those are the largest factors of FSOD so avoid that and you will take away a lot of risk."
So ke è difficile dirlo, ma dalla foto a vederlo kosi sembra ke il BBA sarà sempre ad uscita ethernet anke per l'europa. Intanto dalla relase ufficiale Nintendo, rivedo un attimo le previsioni di spesa:
Phantasy Star Online: Episode I&II - 59 euro
BBA - 45 euro (evviva :rolleyes:)
Konfido in kualke negoziante onesto. Se riuscirò ad avere gioko + bba sui 90 mi riterrò già fortunato.
So ke è difficile dirlo, ma dalla foto a vederlo kosi sembra ke il BBA sarà sempre ad uscita ethernet anke per l'europa. Intanto dalla relase ufficiale Nintendo, rivedo un attimo le previsioni di spesa:
Phantasy Star Online: Episode I&II - 59 euro
BBA - 45 euro (evviva :rolleyes:)
Konfido in kualke negoziante onesto. Se riuscirò ad avere gioko + bba sui 90 mi riterrò già fortunato.
Intanto per lo meno hanno annunciato ufficialmente il bonus disk di Zelda per l'europa:
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Limited Edition Hits Europe
"February 18 2003 - Nintendo today announce the eagerly anticipated news that a limited edition bonus disk will be included with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker at launch on 3rd May.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, will include a bonus disk containing two additional NINTENDO GAMECUBE games: The N64 Classic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and previously unreleased title The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest, which was originally designed for the N64DD. Also on the bonus disk will be additional gameplay footage including the all-new F-Zero, 1080° Avalanche, Timesplitters 2, Phantasy Star Online, Rayman 3 & Super Monkey Ball 2, all for NINTENDO GAMECUBE.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker limited edition double disk set will be available from 3rd May 2003 priced around 60 Euros whilst stocks last."
A maggio prenderò una pausa da Ragol ^____^
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Limited Edition Hits Europe
"February 18 2003 - Nintendo today announce the eagerly anticipated news that a limited edition bonus disk will be included with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker at launch on 3rd May.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, will include a bonus disk containing two additional NINTENDO GAMECUBE games: The N64 Classic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and previously unreleased title The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest, which was originally designed for the N64DD. Also on the bonus disk will be additional gameplay footage including the all-new F-Zero, 1080° Avalanche, Timesplitters 2, Phantasy Star Online, Rayman 3 & Super Monkey Ball 2, all for NINTENDO GAMECUBE.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker limited edition double disk set will be available from 3rd May 2003 priced around 60 Euros whilst stocks last."
A maggio prenderò una pausa da Ragol ^____^
"The award-winning Phantasy Star Online sparked a worldwide gaming phenomenon. Now the world of Phantasy Star Online (PSO) is coming to Nintendo GameCube. Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II will feature all-new game-play modes and brand new content. New character classes, formidable weapons and enemies and challenging quests are just a small part of the awesome new content waiting to be discovered. Episode I includes all the original PSO and PSO ver.2, while Episode II brings an exclusive new full-length adventure to the Nintendo GameCube.
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II will be the first online game available on Nintendo GameCube. To play online you will need to purchase a Nintendo GameCube Broadband Adaptor or Modem Adaptor (available March 7th) priced at around 45-50 Euros, and acquire a 'Hunter's Licence', which can be purchased for £5.99 (Euro 8.95) for 30 days - the first 30 days are free!
The new split-screen feature allows four friends to adventure together on the same Nintendo GameCube. Not only does PSO deliver the ultimate online gaming experience, but it also has one of the most addictive single player offline RPG experiences ever seen on a home console.
Experience single player... Experience multiplayer... Experience online... Experience the Phantasy...
Welcome to the future. Your star is ready to rise.
Game features & Online details:
* Impressive offline single player adventure with over 100 hours of unbelievable gameplay.
* New split-screen actions lets up to four gamers team up, or compete, on the same Nintendo GameCube.
* For never-ending adventures, up to four players can cooperate and compete online in normal gameplay modes, or embark on exclusive downloadable quests.
* All the content of PSO and PSO ver.2, plus an exclusive new adventure.
* Players can test their endurance with Challenge Mode, or reign as the supreme champion of player vs. player combat in Battle Mode.
* Real-time combat against new, more powerful monsters.
* New dungeons and areas to explore, new rare items to find and new quests to complete.
* To play online you need to need to purchase a Nintendo GameCube Broadband Adaptor or Modem Adaptor priced at around 45 -50 Euros, and acquire a 'Hunter's License' which can be purchased for £5.99 (Euro 8.95) for 30 days - the first 30 days are free!
The evolution of the revolutionary gaming experience continues, 7th March 2003."
Il 7 Marzo sarò poveroo evviva :§
"The award-winning Phantasy Star Online sparked a worldwide gaming phenomenon. Now the world of Phantasy Star Online (PSO) is coming to Nintendo GameCube. Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II will feature all-new game-play modes and brand new content. New character classes, formidable weapons and enemies and challenging quests are just a small part of the awesome new content waiting to be discovered. Episode I includes all the original PSO and PSO ver.2, while Episode II brings an exclusive new full-length adventure to the Nintendo GameCube.
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II will be the first online game available on Nintendo GameCube. To play online you will need to purchase a Nintendo GameCube Broadband Adaptor or Modem Adaptor (available March 7th) priced at around 45-50 Euros, and acquire a 'Hunter's Licence', which can be purchased for £5.99 (Euro 8.95) for 30 days - the first 30 days are free!
The new split-screen feature allows four friends to adventure together on the same Nintendo GameCube. Not only does PSO deliver the ultimate online gaming experience, but it also has one of the most addictive single player offline RPG experiences ever seen on a home console.
Experience single player... Experience multiplayer... Experience online... Experience the Phantasy...
Welcome to the future. Your star is ready to rise.
Game features & Online details:
* Impressive offline single player adventure with over 100 hours of unbelievable gameplay.
* New split-screen actions lets up to four gamers team up, or compete, on the same Nintendo GameCube.
* For never-ending adventures, up to four players can cooperate and compete online in normal gameplay modes, or embark on exclusive downloadable quests.
* All the content of PSO and PSO ver.2, plus an exclusive new adventure.
* Players can test their endurance with Challenge Mode, or reign as the supreme champion of player vs. player combat in Battle Mode.
* Real-time combat against new, more powerful monsters.
* New dungeons and areas to explore, new rare items to find and new quests to complete.
* To play online you need to need to purchase a Nintendo GameCube Broadband Adaptor or Modem Adaptor priced at around 45 -50 Euros, and acquire a 'Hunter's License' which can be purchased for £5.99 (Euro 8.95) for 30 days - the first 30 days are free!
The evolution of the revolutionary gaming experience continues, 7th March 2003."
Il 7 Marzo sarò poveroo evviva :§
"Infogrames reveals the monthly subscription costs for European players wishing to get the most out of Sega's online RPG. Infogrames has today confirmed the monthly subscription costs for the European version of Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II, which is scheduled for release on March 7 alongside Nintendo's Broadband and Modem adapters. The game will ship with a free 30-day "Hunters License" necessary for playing online, but thereafter 30-day subscriptions will cost 8.95 euros or £5.99 (which both work out to a little over $9.50), compared to $8.95 in North America."
Ma sti froci non sanno fare i kambi e kredono ke 8.95 dollari sono uguali a 8.95 euro? ma kazzo. Komplimenti, davvero, e magari sperate anke di venderne kualke kopia e ke kualkuno ci giokerà online dopo il primo mese gratis? preparatevi ad un bel fallimento (naturalmente eskludento i drogati kome me purtroppo :\).
Ma sti froci non sanno fare i kambi e kredono ke 8.95 dollari sono uguali a 8.95 euro? ma kazzo. Komplimenti, davvero, e magari sperate anke di venderne kualke kopia e ke kualkuno ci giokerà online dopo il primo mese gratis? preparatevi ad un bel fallimento (naturalmente eskludento i drogati kome me purtroppo :\).
Data di uscita : 13-03-2003
Genere : GDR
Piattaforma : Gamecube
Editore : Sega
Data di uscita : 13-03-2003
Localizzazione : Scatola, Manuale: ITA - Software: MULTI (NO ITA)
Linea : Novità
Età (ELSPA) : 11+
Sito ufficiale : Play Sega
PSO To Launch 7th of March
"News: PSO To Launch 7th of March
Feb 18th 2003 10:14 by Tim
Infogrames issued a press release confirming Phantasy Star Online is still to be released on the 7th of March.
Phantasy Star Online is ready to deliver the biggest RPG experience for NintendoTM GameCube
The award-winning Phantasy Star Online sparked a worldwide gaming phenomenon. Now the world of Phantasy Star Online (PSO) is coming to NINTENDO GAMECUBE. Phantasy StarTM Online Episode I & II will feature all-new game-play modes and new content. New character classes, formidable weapons, enemies and challenging quests are just a small part of the awesome new content waiting to be discovered. Episode 1 includes all the original PSO and PSO ver.2, while Episode II brings an exclusive new full-length adventure to the NINTENDO GAMECUBE.
Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2 will be the first online game available on NINTENDO GAMECUBE. To play online you will need to purchase a NINTENDO GAMECUBE Broadband adapter or Modem adapter priced at around 45-50 Euros and acquire a 'Hunters Licence', which can be purchased for £5.99 (€8.95) for 30 days – The first 30 days are free!
The new split-screen feature allows four friends to adventure together on the same NINTENDO GAMECUBE. Not only does PSO deliver the ultimate online gaming experience, but it also has one of the most addictive single player offline RPG experiences ever seen on a home console.
Experience single player... Experience multiplayer... Experience online... Experience the Phantasy...
Welcome to the future. Your star is ready to rise.
Game features & Online details:
Impressive offline single player adventure with over 100 hours of unbelievable gameplay.
New split-screen actions lets up to four gamer's team up, or compete, on the same NINTENDO GAMECUBE.
For never-ending adventures, up to four players can cooperate and compete online in normal gameplay modes or embark on exclusive downloadable quests.
All of the content of PSO and PSO ver.2, plus an exclusive new adventure.
Players can test their endurance with Challenge Mode, or reign as the supreme champion of player vs. player combat in Battle Mode.
Real-time combat against new, more powerful monsters.
New dungeons and areas to explore, new rare items to find and new quests to complete.
To play online you need to need to purchase a NINTENDO GAMECUBE Broadband Adapter or Modem Adapter priced at around 45 -50 Euro's and acquire a 'Hunters License' which can be purchased for £5.99 (€8.95) for 30 days – The first 30 days are free!
The evolution of the revolutionary gaming experience continues. 7th March 2003"
Ma, kmq lo ha ankora per il 6 Marzo. Certo non so più kuanto fidarmi di un sito ke sbaglia a skrivere PlaySega.Com. Bho ke palle ora devo andare a varese, kuando torno mi informo >:A
Genere : GDR
Piattaforma : Gamecube
Editore : Sega
Data di uscita : 13-03-2003
Localizzazione : Scatola, Manuale: ITA - Software: MULTI (NO ITA)
Linea : Novità
Età (ELSPA) : 11+
Sito ufficiale : Play Sega
PSO To Launch 7th of March
"News: PSO To Launch 7th of March
Feb 18th 2003 10:14 by Tim
Infogrames issued a press release confirming Phantasy Star Online is still to be released on the 7th of March.
Phantasy Star Online is ready to deliver the biggest RPG experience for NintendoTM GameCube
The award-winning Phantasy Star Online sparked a worldwide gaming phenomenon. Now the world of Phantasy Star Online (PSO) is coming to NINTENDO GAMECUBE. Phantasy StarTM Online Episode I & II will feature all-new game-play modes and new content. New character classes, formidable weapons, enemies and challenging quests are just a small part of the awesome new content waiting to be discovered. Episode 1 includes all the original PSO and PSO ver.2, while Episode II brings an exclusive new full-length adventure to the NINTENDO GAMECUBE.
Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2 will be the first online game available on NINTENDO GAMECUBE. To play online you will need to purchase a NINTENDO GAMECUBE Broadband adapter or Modem adapter priced at around 45-50 Euros and acquire a 'Hunters Licence', which can be purchased for £5.99 (€8.95) for 30 days – The first 30 days are free!
The new split-screen feature allows four friends to adventure together on the same NINTENDO GAMECUBE. Not only does PSO deliver the ultimate online gaming experience, but it also has one of the most addictive single player offline RPG experiences ever seen on a home console.
Experience single player... Experience multiplayer... Experience online... Experience the Phantasy...
Welcome to the future. Your star is ready to rise.
Game features & Online details:
Impressive offline single player adventure with over 100 hours of unbelievable gameplay.
New split-screen actions lets up to four gamer's team up, or compete, on the same NINTENDO GAMECUBE.
For never-ending adventures, up to four players can cooperate and compete online in normal gameplay modes or embark on exclusive downloadable quests.
All of the content of PSO and PSO ver.2, plus an exclusive new adventure.
Players can test their endurance with Challenge Mode, or reign as the supreme champion of player vs. player combat in Battle Mode.
Real-time combat against new, more powerful monsters.
New dungeons and areas to explore, new rare items to find and new quests to complete.
To play online you need to need to purchase a NINTENDO GAMECUBE Broadband Adapter or Modem Adapter priced at around 45 -50 Euro's and acquire a 'Hunters License' which can be purchased for £5.99 (€8.95) for 30 days – The first 30 days are free!
The evolution of the revolutionary gaming experience continues. 7th March 2003"
Ma, kmq lo ha ankora per il 6 Marzo. Certo non so più kuanto fidarmi di un sito ke sbaglia a skrivere PlaySega.Com. Bho ke palle ora devo andare a varese, kuando torno mi informo >:A
17 febbraio 2003
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) holalal
(22:25) (@Ed86NonCe) ciao klay
(22:25) (@Ed86NonCe) ciao froci
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) Ed
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) come stanno le ran
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) e
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) '
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) come stanno le rane?
(22:26) (@Ed86NonCe) son estinte
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) ah Ed
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) ma non stai giokando
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) ah ekko
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) le hai uccise tutte
(22:26) (+SoftKloud) cadito il server
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) e adesso non sa kosi fare
(22:26) (@Ed86NonCe) si
(22:26) (@Ed86NonCe) ora rospi
(22:25) (@Ed86NonCe) ciao klay
(22:25) (@Ed86NonCe) ciao froci
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) Ed
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) come stanno le ran
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) e
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) '
(22:25) (+SoftKloud) come stanno le rane?
(22:26) (@Ed86NonCe) son estinte
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) ah Ed
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) ma non stai giokando
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) ah ekko
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) le hai uccise tutte
(22:26) (+SoftKloud) cadito il server
(22:26) (@monoNeSs) e adesso non sa kosi fare
(22:26) (@Ed86NonCe) si
(22:26) (@Ed86NonCe) ora rospi
Our Dear ST
"I went to play GCPSO v1.1 C9, but i got discon later. I was , when I reloaded my char file. It changed to lv 24 (it was my c9 lv and my original lv was 144!). I also checked my inventory, all item are c9 item..."
E tuTRuto pEr Soli 8 EuroeE AL MeSEee!111
ke merda. :\
"I went to play GCPSO v1.1 C9, but i got discon later. I was , when I reloaded my char file. It changed to lv 24 (it was my c9 lv and my original lv was 144!). I also checked my inventory, all item are c9 item..."
E tuTRuto pEr Soli 8 EuroeE AL MeSEee!111
ke merda. :\
16 febbraio 2003
Episode III wish list essential mix:
"Pioneer 2 could be one giant lobby, with multiple levels, different sections (each with their own style, like major cities. Pioneer 2 could have it's own Chinatown, or it's own ghetto, suburbs etc...). Apartments for each player, with stuff like a banking system, healing, etc... The store system could be improved too. There would be a central shopping district, with stores for certain types of weapons, such as force/hunter/ranger weapon stores, cafes (doing double-duty as both a social center and an item shop), training simulators, and a massive bank."
"combine the social elements of MMORPGs with the team-oriented gameplay of regular online RPGs: ships and blocks could be one large, continuous area where you can interact with players and play minigames, shop or do battle mode, while actually exploring the planets and gaining levels, etc. is done by creating a team that goes down to the planet."
"Other social aspects. Going along with the last idea, minigames could be integrated into the social areas. Stuff like battle competitons, item comparisons, auctions, "garage" sales, etc."
"Mostly the levels should be outdoors and include a snow level!! Any indoor levels should be interesting rather than repetitive rooms that all look the same."
"A snowy area. I really wanted EP2 ult stages to be winter-like, like have jungle, mountain, and seaside be set in the winter. The little puddles in the jungle could be frozen, and mountain coulda been completely snow covered."
"All the major worlds from the PS series would automatically make PSO a much, MUCH larger game. However, I immedietly get the mental image of a MMORPG when I think of multiple worlds, and I'd really rather PSO NOT become a MMORPG any time soon."
"I would like to see cities or developed towns with actual characters to interact with, hidden shops and trade stations in the midst of your adventures, and characters you can actualy persuade into joining your team (offline)."
"it'd be pretty cool to have 5 or 6 players in one game, but with a battle system more complicated than the current one, that'd require a much larger amount of space for all 6 characters to wreak havoc."
"4,5,6 combo hit attacks with weapons"
"Way more in depth create a character, such as "modifying" colors in specific parts..facial hair...anything you can think of."
"Each character havin' about 20 outfits, that start out white, 20 different designs. You then picked one, and colored it piece by piece. About 10 different skin tones, 10 faces, 20 hairs, better proportion control."
"New characters, and better customizing options, such as Facial hair, hats, shoes, shirts, pants, skirts, and accessories. Things like bags, necklaces, glasses, all down to the shoelaces."
"allow players to pick different costume types and then color them however they want using color sliders just like you use to color hair."
"a more customizable character creation. The ablility to change everything about the character. From what color eyes to how long the hair and to specifics on the uniforms."
"a spectator mode in battle mode"
"New Difficulty level. A level beyond Ultimate would be really nice. Call it "Insane". The level you would need to get it would be 150, and each monster would give over 1000 experience."
"Level max 300."
"secure servers, no bug and no wanna be hackers"
"More space in bank."
"Raise MAGs trought the GBA!"
"Pioneer 2 could be one giant lobby, with multiple levels, different sections (each with their own style, like major cities. Pioneer 2 could have it's own Chinatown, or it's own ghetto, suburbs etc...). Apartments for each player, with stuff like a banking system, healing, etc... The store system could be improved too. There would be a central shopping district, with stores for certain types of weapons, such as force/hunter/ranger weapon stores, cafes (doing double-duty as both a social center and an item shop), training simulators, and a massive bank."
"combine the social elements of MMORPGs with the team-oriented gameplay of regular online RPGs: ships and blocks could be one large, continuous area where you can interact with players and play minigames, shop or do battle mode, while actually exploring the planets and gaining levels, etc. is done by creating a team that goes down to the planet."
"Other social aspects. Going along with the last idea, minigames could be integrated into the social areas. Stuff like battle competitons, item comparisons, auctions, "garage" sales, etc."
"Mostly the levels should be outdoors and include a snow level!! Any indoor levels should be interesting rather than repetitive rooms that all look the same."
"A snowy area. I really wanted EP2 ult stages to be winter-like, like have jungle, mountain, and seaside be set in the winter. The little puddles in the jungle could be frozen, and mountain coulda been completely snow covered."
"All the major worlds from the PS series would automatically make PSO a much, MUCH larger game. However, I immedietly get the mental image of a MMORPG when I think of multiple worlds, and I'd really rather PSO NOT become a MMORPG any time soon."
"I would like to see cities or developed towns with actual characters to interact with, hidden shops and trade stations in the midst of your adventures, and characters you can actualy persuade into joining your team (offline)."
"it'd be pretty cool to have 5 or 6 players in one game, but with a battle system more complicated than the current one, that'd require a much larger amount of space for all 6 characters to wreak havoc."
"4,5,6 combo hit attacks with weapons"
"Way more in depth create a character, such as "modifying" colors in specific parts..facial hair...anything you can think of."
"Each character havin' about 20 outfits, that start out white, 20 different designs. You then picked one, and colored it piece by piece. About 10 different skin tones, 10 faces, 20 hairs, better proportion control."
"New characters, and better customizing options, such as Facial hair, hats, shoes, shirts, pants, skirts, and accessories. Things like bags, necklaces, glasses, all down to the shoelaces."
"allow players to pick different costume types and then color them however they want using color sliders just like you use to color hair."
"a more customizable character creation. The ablility to change everything about the character. From what color eyes to how long the hair and to specifics on the uniforms."
"a spectator mode in battle mode"
"New Difficulty level. A level beyond Ultimate would be really nice. Call it "Insane". The level you would need to get it would be 150, and each monster would give over 1000 experience."
"Level max 300."
"secure servers, no bug and no wanna be hackers"
"More space in bank."
"Raise MAGs trought the GBA!"
"i asked him how he got 10 guld millas (cuz i saw his trade window, duh!). neways, he said he had bought an AR recently, and he had either found, or it had come preloaded with (i'm not sure) the code to transfer one guy from one memory card to another."
lasciatemelo dire..
The word is about, there's something evolving,
whatever may come, the world keeps revolving
They say the next big thing is here,
that the revolution's near,
but to me it seems quite clear
that it's all just a little bit of history repeating
The newspapers shout a new style is growing,
but it don't know if it's coming or going,
there is fashion, there is fad
some is good, some is bad
and the joke is rather sad,
that its all just a little bit of history repeating
.. and I've seen it before
.. and I'll see it again
.. yes I've seen it before
.. just little bits of history repeating
Some people don't dance, if they don't know who's singing,
why ask your head, it's your hips that are swinging
life's for us to enjoy
woman, man, girl and boy,
feel the pain, feel the joy
aside set the little bits of history repeating
.. just little bits of history repeating
.. and I've seen it before
.. and I'll see it again
.. yes I've seen it before
.. just little bits of history repeating
lasciatemelo dire..
The word is about, there's something evolving,
whatever may come, the world keeps revolving
They say the next big thing is here,
that the revolution's near,
but to me it seems quite clear
that it's all just a little bit of history repeating
The newspapers shout a new style is growing,
but it don't know if it's coming or going,
there is fashion, there is fad
some is good, some is bad
and the joke is rather sad,
that its all just a little bit of history repeating
.. and I've seen it before
.. and I'll see it again
.. yes I've seen it before
.. just little bits of history repeating
Some people don't dance, if they don't know who's singing,
why ask your head, it's your hips that are swinging
life's for us to enjoy
woman, man, girl and boy,
feel the pain, feel the joy
aside set the little bits of history repeating
.. just little bits of history repeating
.. and I've seen it before
.. and I'll see it again
.. yes I've seen it before
.. just little bits of history repeating
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