Dispersioni mentali di un drogato di Phantasy Star Online e simili (AKA action games in cui trovare rare items, spade enormi e salire a livelli assurdi in Coop), che cerca di sopravvivere con il (poco) tempo per giocare, districandosi fra amici molto pazienti, un lavoro full time, troppe passioni da mettere da parte e poche ore per dormire. Aggiornato a voglia e senza un minimo senso logico o grammaticale, anche a causa della fretta con cui vengono postati i messaggi.
28 giugno 2003
26 giugno 2003
mmh kon sto rinnovamento di blogger non riuscivo più a loggare :| kmq a kuanto pare in sti giorni, ad orari imprecisati potrebbero togliere la korrente, kazzo non so se fidarmi a giokare a PSO, se per koincidenza stakkano la korrente mentre salva sono fottuto :| kmq stamattina l'hanno tolta a parte del paese ma a kasa mia niente.. kissà forse sono protetto dallo spirito di Lukito. Bha kmq son phorsci :|
25 giugno 2003
PSO: The PSO series IS NOT over after ep. III
"What you heard: "Phantasy Star Online will be done, dead, nada, zilch after Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution comes out."
The Q's sources say: Well, this one's half right-Episode III (at right) will be the last CHAPTER...of the PSO story. It'll wrap up the current plot line of Red Ring Rico and Pioneer 1 and 2, but it's definitely not "over for good." Talk that Sonic Team is working on a new, full-length PSO has been going on for some time, but the hot tip now is that the game will feature a FULL, seperate offline Phantasy Star IN ADDITION to the online adventure. Say, I'd like to play that right now..."
PSO: The PSO series IS NOT over after ep. III
"What you heard: "Phantasy Star Online will be done, dead, nada, zilch after Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution comes out."
The Q's sources say: Well, this one's half right-Episode III (at right) will be the last CHAPTER...of the PSO story. It'll wrap up the current plot line of Red Ring Rico and Pioneer 1 and 2, but it's definitely not "over for good." Talk that Sonic Team is working on a new, full-length PSO has been going on for some time, but the hot tip now is that the game will feature a FULL, seperate offline Phantasy Star IN ADDITION to the online adventure. Say, I'd like to play that right now..."
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